Winter (Mid December - Mid February)
Monday thru Friday 6PM – 9PM
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 12PM – 4PM & 6PM – 9PM
Christmas break hours vary and may not be open during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day
rink is closed until it is cleared after a snowfall
Windchill closures in effect after -20
Summer: Rink is open and available to our community for use. The rink is not monitored during the summer and is not available for rentals.
● Area is under 24 hour surveillance ●
● Absolutely not climbing on the rink fence ●
● Use rink at your own risk ●
● Helmets are recommended ●
● Behaving in a manner that endangers or interferes with other safety or pleasure is strictly forbidden ●
● No fighting, pushing, checking, foul language, smoking, spitting or high sticking ●
● No sticks or pucks during public skating ●
● Alcohol and drugs are not permitted on the premises ●
● No food or beverages is allied on the ice or in the rink boxes ●
● The Burnewood Community League reserves the right to revoke privileges from any person who does not obey rules, shows unacceptable conduct or for any other just cause ●
● Rink attendant/supervisor’s word is final ●
● The Burnewood Community league is not responsible for lost or stolen items ●
● The Burnewood Community league assumes no responsibility for the actions of other individuals ●
Multi-Purpose Rink Information
Located at the eastside of the boarded rink
Burnewood Community Multi-Purpose Rink
Our multi-purpose rink is a shared space designed to bring the community together and encourage active living.
- The rink is free to use for all Burnewood Community members and not available for rentals.
- Please be respectful of others by sharing the space and welcoming players into pickup games—it’s a great way to meet new people!
- Keep it clean! Please take your belongings and garbage with you.
- Use the rink at your own risk and follow all posted rules.
- Do not leave nets at the rink, as they can be a safety hazard.
- The Burnewood Community League is not responsible for lost or left-behind items—anything left may be removed.
Enjoy the rink and help keep it a safe, welcoming place for everyone!